Sunday, January 23, 2011

Colette Patterns Spring Palette Challenge

So I've decided to take part in the Colette Patterns spring palette challenge, which is very exciting (and timely, since I decided 2 weeks ago to use a palette for once!). This is what I've come up with:

I haven't decided what will be what yet (except the second dress from the left on the bottom row) and I have to wait a teensy bit until I get the rest of my fabric. We'll see how it goes!

So, clockwise from the top left, we've got:

Simplicity 2403 - a lovely PR pattern; I modified it a bit so I'd have the ruffles and the longer sleeves, although I may make it sleeveless, I can't decide. 

Colette Lady Gray - I can finally do the sew along, months after everyone else on the internet has finished! I like the idea of a spring coat, maybe in that cerulean...

Simplicity 2443 - a Cynthia Rowley knit pattern; depending on the pieces I might try to mix up the colors a little (a little colorblocking, if you will).

Simplicity 2947 - a Khaliah Ali pattern which I'll probably make shorter (but not short enough to be the tunic) and I might use a print, if I can find an appropriate knit print for it.

Simplicity 2250 - a Cynthia Rowley pattern, again, which I already have the fabric for (it's brown with light blue birds and sea foam green leaves, I adore it) and have already cut out the pattern bits (not out of fashion fabric, mind you) but am having a bitch of a time fitting the bust because of all the damned darts.

and Simplicity 2598 - another Khaliah Ali pattern, this time for a cardigan which I think I'll make with 3/4 length sleeves and in a solid color.

Okay, well, I'm gonna get back to fitting 2250!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the Challenge, I am also participating and I love your palette!

